psycho killer

There was an 80s party and people came. The costumes were phenomenal and we all felt (and saw) the effects of ‘living in excess’.

Some of the highlights of the evening:

Lip-sync competition: Bitchin’! “Turning Japanese” and “Save Paula” gave particularly memorable performances.

Air-guitar competition: Melting my face was, as always Leif with a drop-to-your-knees rendition of Metallica’s Master of Puppets. That’s him in the pictures looking like a cross between Flock of Segulls and a Good Charloette video. Though severely lacking in actual ‘guitar playing’, the “we’re sober” group was also notable, a video of which will not be shown here. Suffice to say that will remain on my computer or Lena’s.

Best-dressed winners: Like I said earlier, the costumes were awesome, I’ll give a particular note to Maddy’s outfit and her gravity-defying hair. Mr. Perfect's Ghost Busters costume, wicked!

Electric Limozine: Consisting of Manic Maddy on guitar/bass/vocals, Ecto1 AKA Jon B. on the Beat-box, that’s MR LEIF to you on keyboard/vocals, and yours truly "JEM" on guitar/bass/vocals, we had a good time.

We would start touring but we just broke up cause of artistic differences, i.e. Leif’s drug addiction.
what drug would that be - soccer !!!
great pics they may suffer from a dab of the aul cut and paste!!
was such a great night , i do believe our not air guitar performance was excellent, we just wanted to dance!! love the pic of leif looking up my skirt and im trying to cover his eyes! I was not slapping him! see you tomorrow , im really excited about the party!
i linked your blog to mine , now we are FRIENDS FOREVER!! muuuhuuuuhaaaaaa muuuuuhuuuuhaaaahaa
I am linking your blog to mine...titia
Your pictures are great! I'm linking you to my blog too, I'm such a copy-cat.
yea u are all copy cats, u just copy and paste that post the 4 movies bla bla bla and put in your answers instead of mine!! and u are all set to go !!
it looks like you guys had a fantastic time. YOU LOOK JEMTASTIC. And my personal love goes out to the flock of seagulls hair.
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