
letter from an American kid

Hanging on the wall of my elective English class.


Blogger leilani said...

I like the way crayons slip into there.
electchrisity....sounds better, we should change it :D

8:44 AM  
Blogger leilani said...

back again, looks like elect christianity...

8:44 AM  
Blogger jen said...

also looks like elect chrisity...how very subliminal, a brainwasher posing as a child who can't spell.

8:49 AM  
Blogger K said...

Cool letter! I have been asked some equally stupid questions by Japanese people...adults, not children.

11:04 AM  
Blogger Emily K said...

My uncle Jonathan is in the States visiting from Germany. He met my grandmother's neighbor who, upon hearing he's been living in Germany for the last 20 years, asked, "Do they have farms in Germany?"
Jonathan said he thinks some people, when they hear you're from another country, feel they have to ask a question, and sometimes this is the best the brain can do on short notice.

10:28 PM  
Blogger Emily K said...

Under what circumstances was this letter written? Why does Kenny address it to "Dear visitors"? Kenny must be in about fourth grade, if the handwriting is anything to go by.

Actually, the crayons question isn't so bad; I can't recall seeing any since I've been in Japan.

10:33 PM  
Blogger jen said...

I'm not sure how the letter came to be since it was up before I got to Daito JHS, but I think it must've been that some students from Daito did an exchange visit to America (I think Indiana) and stopped in at an elementary school.

True, mostly markers and color pencils.

1:53 PM  
Blogger Lena said...

actually there are crayons, but they also have these really cool crayons that u twist the bottum and more crayoness comes out, these are particulary dangerous when they come into contact with tatami - not that i would know or anything this is just what I have heard!
Letter is cool , is that clothing he has writen ??

11:21 AM  
Blogger jen said...

clothing, yes, i think so. as for the electchrisity part, it's still being debated ;)

2:55 PM  

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