tanner influence
This morning I was accosted by four students as I entered the school grounds. Seeing their eager faces, waving hands, and high pitched squeals, I knew that the issue had to be of earth-shattering importance. As it turns out, the students wanted to get to the very spine of American society. That is to say, they wanted to know if I had ever seen Full House.

I still haven't been able to fathom why this particular slice of Americana has become so popular in Japan. From what I've seen, the more than slightly delayed airing of this program is not such a peculiarity. Other shows that can currently be found on Japanese TV include: Dawson's Creek and Melrose Place. I find my knowledge of what is happening on Melrose Place justifiable because of the lack English television program options in Japan. It does not, however, overtake all of the embarrassmentent. I feel further shame in knowing that I would, in a split second, watch Dawson's Creek readily if it was on.
So this is shameful, yes, but it did provide me with an important link to my understanding of fashion in Japan.
1980s--> 1990s--> 2000s: Japanese fashion revamps the 1980s/early 90s style, incorporating legwarmers, big hair up top, and a strange perception of what colors "go" together-->The fashion world is amazed and looks to Japan as a muse for fashion-forward thinking
This is pretty close, but it misses a crucial step:
1980s--> 1990s--> 2000s--> FULL HOUSE airs in Japan--> Japanese fashion revamps the 1980s/early 90s style, incorporating legwarmers, big hair up top, and a strange perception of what colors "go" together--> The fashion world is amazed and looks to Japan as a muse for fashion-forward thinking
Who's the guy in the top right and the girl in the bottom left?
I'm SO behind on my Full House.
i had to look it up, bless wikipedia
that's kimmy on the bottom left, but the guy i'm not sure, maybe steve?
I'll email you some DVDs...
ok starting from the front row left to right: Kimmy(neighboor), Stephanie (who later had a drug addiction, she's cured now) and Alex.
Middle: Nicky, Rebecca, Michelle (both twins took turns on the show, one had a eating disorder later) and DJ.
Back: Joey, Jesse, Danny and Steve (dj's bf).
I definitely was not a full house person, my sister was.
DJ had a boyfriend who was a regular on the show? My, my how they grow up!
Didn't she marry a hockey player in real life?
Why am I asking this? Why do I care? I hated that show.
My little sister, however, loved it.
I love the MY SISTER loved the show!!! true story !! I know u have all the merchandise Koren!! even still have a membership to the fanclub ! hehehe
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